We are committed to Jesus Christ, the Bible and the Great Commission.

We are focused on multiplying disciples to the fourth generation.

Once multiplication reaches the fourth generation, the process is no longer dependent on the initial disciple maker and movements are launched.

In the past 25 years the Missionary Church has grown to 500+ churches. In recent years we have been the fastest growing small denomination in the United States.

Now multiplication is beginning to change everything. At this point there are 130+ discipling communities underway. Many will become church plants. All are being birthed from a vision to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

These are days of great potential.

We need your help. We need your prayers. We need your financial support.

You are the most important part of making this movement a reality.

Join the movement and give – whether it’s a donation, some of your time, or the power of your voice in your local community.

Give a Donation

Give one or more monthly shares of $25 to church multiplication. Within five years our goal is to have 2,500 people giving monthly shares.

Commit to Pray

Join the work that God is directing by praying that our work will be fruitful. See the stories below for specific people and churches to pray for.

Support the Movement

Help us get the word out! Share on your social media, website, or at your events! Word of mouth is one of the best ways to gain awareness.

Stories are impacted by generosity.

See the power that comes when you give toward multiplying disciples & churches to the 4th generation.

Knoxville, TN | Andy Ford and a team of Gen Z leaders in the Connect Region are reaching their generation by equipping and training new leaders.

Alanson, MI | Launching Discipleship Cultures ignites the God-given abilities within everyone to see multiplication rapidly reproduce communities

Nanakuli, Hawaii | We accepted the calling to multiply disciples across our city to the 4th generation and all the joys and struggles that came with it.

It has been our prayer since the very beginning to see God do something so big that only HE could get the credit for it.

North Ridge Community Church  |  Johnson City, TN In the summer of 2008, a few families began meeting to plan for the launch of a different kind of church. Those

Over the last two years, six or seven Outposts have been established, with a couple beginning to develop as new church plants.

It's Time to Multiply

You can Make a Difference!

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Church Plants & Planters Newsletter!

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There are 250 million unchurched people in America.

130 +
Church Plants Coming
580 +
Launched Churches